Friday, February 4, 2011

The Power of Hearing

"If we as parents are too busy to listen to our children, how then can they understand a God who hears?" V. Gilbert Beers

This was a difficult one for me because we struggling with our communication with Logan and Sophie, too. I know that my children need me to listen to them and more importantly that they need to know I will. It is difficult when your child doesn't speak English or doesn't speak clearly. We do this back and forth, with me asking questions trying to determine what they need or want. With Logan it is especially difficult because there are times when he's not even trying to say words just grunts or yells. So, I'm never sure if he is actually talking (either English or Chinese) or just making noise. Because we've taught them both some signing, listening also means looking, watching for the sign and trying to match it to what they are saying. I can't wait for the day when we can all listen and understand!

"Let the wise listen." Proverbs 1:5

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