Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Plan & Play

So, I think I've mentioned this website called Flylady someone told me about that is supposed to help you get your life organized. It has you break down each day of the week with a different focus. I rearranged their days to be more efficient and work with my job schedule. So today's focus is Plan and Play. The idea is that you plan for the rest of your week then reward yourself with some play.

Things to include in your planning day:
1. menu for the week
2. activities
3. wardrobe/laundry needs
4. grocery list
5. errands to be run
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Sophie took a really long nap after work which gave me plenty of time to do all my planning and also get in a Tivo'd show or 2. So after she got up and had dinner, she played in the bath. She has just started figuring out that she can splash me with the water. Oh, so much fun!

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